It's been a very busy six months since being elected.
One of the ways I can contribute is by bringing Motions to the Council. This is only one of several ways I'm working I can represent the community. We have regular Council meetings, Planning Committee meetings, workshops and planning events and I make sure that the voices I represent and values and perspective I bring are heard through these channels.
As you'll see below, many of the Motions I bring to the table lose when it comes to how the votes fall. But!....... This is mostly not a surprise to me and there is still value in highlighting the issues and, to be frank, capturing objectively who is FOR and AGAINST.
Thanks again to everyone to gave me their valuable vote. I'm working hard to not let you down.
Here are the Motions I have brought to Council in my first six months and the voting record. (November 2022 to May 2023)
ESCOOTERS That Council: 1. Acknowledge that there are limitations to the information that the Council has available to it upon which to make informed decisions about the trial of hire e-scooters, with comprehensive and independent information in relation to pedestrian safety, accidents, injuries, and property damage associated with e-scooters particularly lacking 2. Request that officers develop strategies to fill information gaps to inform Council decisions, particularly in relation to pedestrian safety, e-scooter accidents, injuries, and property damage 3. Request that each hire e-scooter company urgently implement additional strategies to increase the use of helmets and 4. Require the hire e-scooter companies to remove the ability for hire escooter trips to commence within Salamanca and Waterfront hospitality precincts between 10 pm and 5 am on Friday and Saturday nights.” | AGAINST deferral Elliot Zucco Behrakis | FOR deferral
Lord Mayor Reynolds Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet Harvey Dutta Sherlock Kelly Bloomfield Posselt Lohberger *deferred to workshop that didn't happen |
UTAS RELOCATION That Council: 1. Notes the overwhelming 74% vote against UTAS Sandy Bay campus relocation in the recent elector poll, and the Council’s obligation to represent and the community and to promote its interests, under the provisions of s.20 and s.28 of the Local Government Act 1993; 2. Acknowledges that in fulfilling its role as the statutory and strategic planner for the municipality of Hobart, Council will carry out its duties professionally, fairly and independently; 3. Notes that UTAS’ most recent consultation process – branded the ‘Shake Up’ – does not fulfil the Council’s previous requests for UTAS to consult the community, given participation and scope of the process was limited and it did not include the community’s views on the decision to relocate. 4. Calls on the Lord Mayor to write to the UTAS Vice-Chancellor and the University Council: a) Advising that, based on the overwhelming result in the elector poll, their proposed UTAS relocation plan to the CBD does not have a social licence and is not supported by the community in the municipality of Hobart; b). Urging UTAS to respect the wishes of the community that is most affected by its proposal and calling upon them to reconsider the relocation of the Sandy Bay campus into the CBD; c). Advising that the City of Hobart will commence its own strategic planning and public consultation process for Sandy Bay/Mount Nelson precinct in early 2023; d). Advising it is Council’s view that the ‘Shake Up’ consultation process does not fulfil the Council’s previous requests for UTAS to consult the community in accordance with the Council’s Community Engagement Framework (as requested by Council via letter to Vice Chancellor Rufus Black on 23 March 2022 and 8 September 2022); e). Requesting that UTAS undertake genuine and thorough consultation with the Greater Hobart community, focussing on the reasons for the relocation, the costs and benefits of relocation, and the alternatives to full relocation including refurbishment of the Sandy Bay campus; f). Requesting that UTAS pause all activities pertaining to its proposed campus relocation until it has completed its consultation of the Greater Hobart community (as referred to in 6d and 6e above), and until the City of Hobart Structure Plan for Sandy Bay and Mt Nelson is also completed; g). Requesting that UTAS make available to the public and include in its consultation process all information that was gathered to inform the decision made by the University Council in April 2019 to relocate the campus; and, h). Recommending that UTAS initiate an independent mediation process with the Save UTAS Campus group, the National Tertiary Education Union, the Tasmanian University Students Association, and the State Government, to discuss the best way forward following the community’s rejection of the campus relocation proposal. 5. That Council officers prepare a report for Council that describes how and why the UTAS commitment in the Hobart City Deal changed, from relocating STEM faculties to relocating the entire campus, after the Deal had been signed and announced in February 2019. 6. That the HCC immediately initiate a meeting with the State Government, Save UTas, the University of Tasmania, the National Tertiary Education Union, Tasmanian University Students Association and the HCC for the purpose of dealing with the elector poll and a mechanism to move forward expediently. | FOR Lord Mayor Reynolds Zucco Behrakis Dutta Kelly Elliot Bloomfield Lohberger Except clause 2 Lord Mayor Reynolds Zucco Behrakis Dutta Kelly Elliot Bloomfield Lohberger Posselt
| AGAINST Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet Harvey Except clause 2 Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet Harvey |
POLICY That a report be provided the Council require that a policy governing Council Workshops be prepared and provided to Council for feedback and approval, with the policy reflecting the principle that Elected Members are consulted in relation to the schedule and agenda for workshops and can request issues for briefing through a workshop. | FOR Zucco Behrakis Kelly Elliot | AGAINST Lord Mayor Reynolds Sherlock Harvey Bloomfield Dutta Posselt Lohberger |
ACCESS TO INFORMATION That the Council: 1. Require that a policy governing Elected Members access to information be prepared and provided to Council for feedback and approval. 2. Require that all information that was previously on the Council’s document management system (the ‘Hub’) that has been archived be reinstated, restoring Elected Member access to this recent historical information.” | FOR Zucco Behrakis Elliot
| AGAINST Lord Mayor Reynolds Harvey Dutta Sherlock Kelly Bloomfield Posselt Lohberger |
CITY CLEANLINESS That the Council commit to raising the standards of cleanliness across our CBD and providing increased resources through the upcoming budget process to allow the cleaning regime for the CBD to be expanded. | AGAINST sending to workshop Zucco Behrakis Elliot | FOR being sent to workshop Lord Mayor Reynolds Harvey Dutta Sherlock Kelly Bloomfield Posselt Lohberger *workshop hasn't happened |
SAFE CITY That the Council: · require a report on the development of a strategy and action plan that focuses on enhancing the family-friendly nature of the CBD and · that actions within the strategy include: o transforming the Wellington Court area into a space for families and others to enjoy, including modern, architectural play equipment, green space, and ample shade and places to sit and o a review of the CBD’s parenting facilities, including relocation of the parenting facility currently located on the first floor of Argyle Street Carpark to ground level and easily accessible off Wellington Court.” | AGAINST sending to workshop Zucco Elliot | FOR sending to workshop Lord Mayor Reynolds Harvey Behrakis Dutta Sherlock Kelly Bloomfield Posselt Lohberger *workshop hasn't happened |
SAFE CITY That the Council:
1. acknowledge that all community members should be able to feel safe and comfortable using the City’s change rooms, and toilet and shower facilities and 2. adopt a policy position that as the City develops new and/or renovates existing change rooms, and toilet and shower facilities, that: a) where communal shared spaces are offered, that it will seek to provide at least three segregated communal shared spaces; namely a space for females/women, a space for males/men, and a space that is for people of all sexes and genders, noting that this is in addition to (not replacement of) any other spaces where there is a requirement or other need (such as accessible facilities for people with a disability and facilities for parenting and family groups) and b) it will seek to increase the supply of separate, individual change room, toilet and shower facilities which are solely used by an individual or a group known to each other (such as a family group) which can be accessed directly without passing through a segregated communal shared space.” | FOR Clause 1 Zucco Behrakis Elliot Clause 2A Elliot Clause 2B Zucco Behrakis Elliot | AGAINST Lord Mayor Reynolds Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet Harvey Dutta Sherlock Kelly Bloomfield Posselt Lohberger Clause 2 A Lord Mayor Reynolds Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet Zucco Harvey Behrakis Dutta Sherlock Kelly Bloomfield Posselt Lohberger Clause 2 B
Lord Mayor Reynolds Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet Harvey Dutta Sherlock Kelly Bloomfield Posselt Lohberger |
1. note that the successful execution of the Council’s strategy is contingent on the City of Hobart being supported by a healthy organisational culture and a skilled, resilient and appropriately structured and resourced workforce that feels valued, heard, understood, informed and supported and
2. include in its updated Strategic Plan an outcome(s) and strategies that relate to the Council’s desired organisational culture and workforce.” | FOR
Zucco Behrakis Kelly Elliot | AGAINST Lord Mayor Reynolds Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet Harvey Dutta Sherlock Bloomfield Posselt Lohberger |
DR WILLIAM CROWTHER STATUE That the Council: 1. should apply the principles of natural justice and the presumption of innocence in its decision-making 2. acknowledge that William Crowther was never found guilty of any charges relating to William Lanne 3. acknowledge that serious concerns have been raised by experts in relation to what, if any, interaction William Crowther really had with William Lanne's deceased body 4. note that the Council has directly communicated (via the City of Hobart website) or indirectly promoted (through the Crowther Reinterpreted ‘truth-telling’ installations) information that is unproven and/or known to be false, including: · the unproven statement that William Crowther removed William Lanne’s skull and · the false statement that William Crowther removed William Lanne’s hands and feet and · the rumour and myth that Lanne’s scrotum was removed and used this as a tobacco pouch and · the incorrect statement that William Crowther was suspended from his role with the Hobart General hospital "over charges of mutilating the body of William Lanne", when he was actually suspended for failing to participate in a Government enquiry into the treatment of William Lanne's body and · errors in basic facts, such as William Lanne’s birth date and location. 5. agree that it is incorrect and misleading to state or imply that the Aboriginal community in its entirety are uncomfortable with the statue and want it removed and 6. publish, with urgency, on the Council website a clear statement of the exact conduct that it views William Crowther guilty of and all the relevant primary sources of evidence 7. arrange and conduct public information sessions where historians and other interested parties can present their views on the character and conduct of William Crowther and William Lanne, including their views on what, if any, interaction William Crowther had with the deceased William Lanne 8. invite historians and other interested parties to document their views on the character and conduct of William Crowther and William Lanne, including their sources, and publish these on the Council’s website 9. re-open consultation on the Franklin Square Conservation Plan Addendum (which closed at 5pm on 20 March) and extend the community consultation period on this major change to 14 calendar days after the information session at point 7 and the material has been published on the website referred to at point 8 (whichever is later).” | FOR Zucco Behrakis Elliot | AGAINST Lord Mayor Reynolds Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet Harvey Kelly Dutta Sherlock Bloomfield Posselt Lohberger |
HOUSING That Council request officers to prepare for Council’s consideration the principles and processes for a rebate program that focuses on incentivising property owners to rent underutilised bedrooms in their principal place of residence by offering them a financial discount on their Council rates. | FOR Zucco Behrakis Kelly Elliot | AGAINST Lord Mayor Reynolds Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet Harvey Dutta Sherlock Bloomfield Posselt Lohberger |
SAFE CITY 1. That the Hobart City Council require officers to: · arrange for the urgent installation of security cameras on the traffic lights at the intersection of Elizabeth and Pitt Street, North Hobart · develop and implement an action plan to ensure that the entirety of Elizabeth Street from Tasma Street to Federal Street and the entirety of the Condell Place carpark, Tony Haigh Walk and Burnett Place are covered with security cameras · meet with North Hobart Traders within 14 days to hear their security concerns and to agree on practical actions to alleviate security issues in their precinct in addition to the above and · provide a detailed report to Council within 90 days on the actions taken and planned related to security in the North Hobart precinct.
2. That the Hobart City CounciL require officers to: · develop and implement a grant program for North Hobart and CBD traders that assists them with the financial burden of installing and managing of security cameras for the exterior of their premises on the condition that the exterior footage captured is to be kept for at least 30 days and that when the footage is requested by Tasmania Police or the City of Hobart that it is to be provided in a timely manner · undertake an audit of security camera and security lighting coverage across public areas of the CBD and other crime hotspot areas and provide a report back to Council with recommendations and · ensure that the City’s security camera network is at all times managed to provide maximum benefit. | FOR Behrakis Kelly Elliot | AGAINST Lord Mayor Reynolds Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet Harvey Dutta Sherlock Bloomfield Posselt Lohberger |
PARKING That the Council request officers to provide a draft Parking Management Plan as part of the Transport Strategy in a report to Council by November 2023 that: 1. considers a plan for implementing peak and off-peak parking rates for on-street car parking, including recommendation of rates and times
2. considers a plan for implementing on-street parking arrangements that provide the first 15 minutes free of charge.”
| FOR Zucco Behrakis Elliot Kelly Harvey | AGAINST Sherlock Lohberger Bloomfield Dutta Lord Mayor Posselt |
UTAS RELOCATION That the Lord Mayor, on behalf of the Council, invite representatives from the Tasmanian University Student Association to meet with the Council to discuss:
· what is beneficial and detrimental to learning and student life from an urban and building design perspective and · their concerns with UTAS’ intended full relocation from the Sandy Bay campus to the CBD.” | FOR Zucco Behrakis Sherlock Elliot Lohberger Bloomfield Kelly | AGAINST Posselt Dutta Harvey Lord Mayor |
DR WILLIAM CROWTHER STATUE That Council pursue conversations with Narryna house, Battery Point as the new location for the bronze Crowther statue. | FOR Behrakis Elliot Kelly | AGAINST Lord Mayor Reynolds Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet Harvey Dutta Sherlock Bloomfield Posselt Lohberger |