Legal attack for speaking the truth
Hobart needs a balanced and realistic transport strategy
Being 'inclusive' is much more than flags, documents and days
I spoke the truth. And I'm going to court for it.
The people adored Dr Crowther - Here's some names
Dr Crowther statue removal: "Our historic record is censored, sanitised and trashed...."
Crowther statue removal - Sign the Petition
Threats and intimidation of women condemned
First six months
The Council our growing city needs
Tunnel vision is dangerous for our city
Meet Louise - FACT or FICTION?
Council governance failures on UTAS
If we cannot accommodate them – the events or the visitors – they will disappear or go elsewhere
UTAS relocation - Absent evidence, improper relationships, flawed concept
More faulty policy from Council - ending Short-Stay permits
Tiny homes for affordable rentals
Speak now or forever..... UTAS' takeover of a car-free Hobart.
Have your say on Hobart's future
Save Melville Street from UTAS takeover
Hobart Council is like a teenager with a credit card, leaving parents to foot the bill
Greens use parliamentary privilege to attack candidate threat
Hobart councillors say No, No, No to new homes